Saturday, April 20, 2013

Kumudavalli Rest In Peace

It was the first time that Dr.Jabeena Saifullah issued a Death Certificate for someone in Sudan.
Dr.Jabeena originally from Coimbatore had finished her Medical Graduation and worked in KSA, later acquiring her MD and specialising in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Her marriage to her colleague Dr.Salah in KSA brought her to Khartoum.  She has been practicing as a Family Physician since then and is popular with Sudanese as well as the Asian community.
Kumudavalli Raja is the name of the lady for whom Dr.Jabeena issued the Death Certificate. I happened to be a witness to the situation when Dr.Jabeena declared her dead. Friday, 19th April’13, 9AM is when Kumudavalli breathed her last. Dr.Jabeena had been treating her chronic ailments for some time but she knew that the case was very difficult and was at a terminal stage.
Shri Raja Murali, Attache– Embassy of India, Khartoum is a very witty person with good sense of humour. I have watched him perform as Master of Ceremony at ITECH day at India House, Khartoum. He did a marvelous job. His earlier posting was in South Africa and shared some of his interesting anecdotes in Pretoria.
Shri Raja Murali had only one member next of kin to him. She was his sister Kumudavalli. Despite all the challenges, he took good care of her. It was an awe inspiring life experience of an unmarried brother and spinster sister taking care of each other. Kumudavalli was destined to be cremated in the pyres of Sudan. Rest in Peace.
While we say “She has gone”
There are others who are watching her coming,
and other voices take up a glad shout,
"There she comes" – and that is dying

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