Friday, August 5, 2011

Sudan Vision lights the Ninth Candle with Me

We were born together and grew up together; Sudan Vision and I. Like Sudan Vision I have also stepped into my ninth year in Sudan. Like Sudan Vision I am also lighting my ninth candle in Sudan.
I distinctly remember the previous office and the previous managers of Sudan Vision. The newspaper today has new office premises and has colourfully improved its design and layout. Moreover, Sudan Vision has a website which is viewed internationally.

Sudan Vision has been kind to me from the very beginning. It has given me the opportunity to express my feelings and experiences in this country, which was unknown to me. I had an Indian perspective to everything around me. Right from day one when I landed at the Khartoum airport, I have witnessed the metamorphosis of Khartoum in these nine years. Be it with taxis, buses, restaurants, shops, malls, hotels, banks, cars, roads, weddings, schools, universities, hospitals, pharmacies, TV Channels, Cell phone service providers, couriers, all of these have increased in number and improved in quality.

Sudan Vision has also given me the opportunity to write and share about the activities of the Indian Community in Sudan. Our Independence Day or Republic Day celebrations at the Embassy of India; Onam Eid celebrations in Khartoum by Kerala Cultural Association; Navratri and Deepavali celebrations by the Omdurman Indian Community; Indian Trade Exhibition; Indian Dance and Orchestra group brought by the Indian Government and many other such community activities. All these articles have featured in Sudan Vision with colourful pictures.

It is unfortunate that today, the other daily Khartoum Monitor is no more in Khartoum. I wish them well and I do sincerely hope that Sudan Vision flourishes and prospers to greater heights in years to come.